Notice: This demo is an alpha build of AZRAEL (Dated from April 2024). Many things here will likely be changed compared to the final game. It does not currently contain music.

D-Pad (Arrow Keys) for Movement
Jump with A (Z) and Attack with B (X)
Hit B+Up to shoot a projectile which uses up Energy

AZRAEL is an authentic monochromatic 8-bit action platforming game for the original Game Boy, inspired mainly by Castlevania and Nier Automata. It can be played on real hardware or in an emulator.


God becomes disturbed and awakens from its slumber to give you, AZRAEL, the Angel of Death, a commandment. You must go to the underworld and retrieve the souls of Angels who had been banished due to acts of defiance. The names of those three Angels are SAMEL, VERANA, and LUCIUS. They will not relinquish their souls willingly.


Download 256 kB
AzraelDemoAlpha0.2.pocket 256 kB

Install instructions

Run the .gb file in an emulator or on a flash cart. Run the .pocket file on an Analogue Pocket.

Development log


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Good job!